Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Is The Assassin's Creed 

Movie Slayed? Rumors 

Say No More Michael 


What will come of the Assassin's Creed movie?
What will come of the Assassin's Creed movie?
For anyone who has played any of Ubisoft’s popular Assassin’s Creed games, you know how awesome it would be to see kick-butt parkour moves and mind-blowing time/memory travel on the big screen. However, a rumor has been circulating that Michael Fassbender, who is well-known for his role as Magneto in the latest X-Men films, has quit the project and will no longer bear the legendary assassin’s hood.
    No more Michael Fassbender?? O_o
No more Michael Fassbender?? O_o
Apparently, Fassbender has reportedly left the project due to inefficient communication with the studio and a deviance from the game storyline towards a new original plot. Thankfully, after thorough digging, it seems like Assassin's Creed fans can take a sigh of relief in knowing that Fassbender is still on board with the project. In fact, he has expressed his excitement in several interviews, stating that "it was very interesting - the idea of reliving memories." But life isn't all fun and games for this film's production team. They face a lot of pressure because of the negative stigma associated with video game film adaptations. Let's face it, Max Payne, Silent Hill, and Prince of Persia weren't exactly record-breaking box office hits.
    Interesting Costume...
Interesting Costume...
The film is already in pre-production. Bill Collage and Adam Cooper are reportedly responsible for writing the film, while Justin Kurzel is a rumored potential director.
                                  Our Beloved Assassins
Our Beloved Assassins
The film is currently set for an August 2015 release.
If Michael Fassbender doesn't work out, maybe they should just hire this dude...he already has the hood...
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